About Bill and Laurie Lokey

About Bill & Laurie

We’re Bill and Laurie Lokey, and we’re glad you found us. We currently reside a little south of Nashville, TN where we enjoy five children and nine grandchildren with whom we have developed fulfilling relationships with a lot of joy and sometimes craziness! After 23 years working in the therapy field we have become really good at working with trauma, helping couples heal their relationship, training leaders who impact their culture, and speaking to groups about growing their faith. We now get to work together offering encouragement and support through intensives, workshops, trainings and speaking engagements.

We understand pain, failure, and trauma because we’ve lived it. We’ve had to trust God completely for His mercy and for making “All things new,” including ourselves. This has given us a passion for finding what really works as we help others, and as we teach how the God of love can show us how to love, especially when it’s difficult.

We share our own stories in vulnerable and relational ways to help others know that being perfect is not what helps. Doing relationships clumsily is how we learn to show our hearts and love well.

Your shame, regrets, and mistakes are not the end of your story. And we believe it’s our calling to help other people in their relationships and spiritual journeys. No matter where you’ve been and what you’ve been through, know that God can heal you and redeem your story, too.

 transformation begins here

Speaking & Workshops

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